Yoga Myth's & Magic – Hanuman my loyal friend With Rosemary Booker Price £25

Saturday 14th September 2019 from 9.30am - 11.30am

Lord Hanuman, the monkey god known to be the embodiment of infinite power and strength.

Focusing on the energies and qualities of Hanuman, you will find strength and power in your asana practice awakening within you perseverance, loyalty and your sense of humour (Hanuman is a happy soul), in this workshop you will explore a balancing pranayama sequence, mudra and mantra to reawaken your boundless energy and help invoke foundations for positive living.

Come and enjoy a 2 hour morning practice of a dynamic grounding yoga, find power and perseverance connect to your breath, immerse the senses in the body and awaken your spirit as you step into the world of all things Yoga…….

In many yoga studios we see the images or icons, the symbol Om, deities but what do they really mean and stand for?

These Gods and Goddesses are not separate from ourselves, they are not there to be worshiped they are more than that, they represent elements and qualities of ourselves.  

The stories that sit behind these Deities and the practice of yoga are rich with life lessons and when we hear and work with their stories it helps us to connect to those qualities within ourselves. 

Rosemary’s Myth & Magic workshops are open to all yoga practitioners and teachers who are inspired to know more about the richness of what yoga has to offer on and off the mat, this is the stuff that has inspired Rosemary to be a committed practitioner and a long term student of this sacred art of Yoga. 



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