Yoga Foundation Course Level 1 - Evolve Your Practice With Rosemary Booker

Saturday 10th October 2020 from 9am - 5.30pm

Spend the breezy Autumn snuggled up on your yoga mat deepening your understanding of Yoga

Autumn 2020 course now open for booking

Would you like to develop your own personal practice? Seek personal growth and a greater understanding? Begin the journey to become a yoga teacher? Or simply refresh and renew your yoga practice?

Then its time for you to join our ‘Yoga Foundation course’

This Level 1 Foundation course takes you from just attending a weekly Yoga class to developing a personal practice that supports you, your needs and your life.  As well as giving you the foundation to step up your practice and if you wish be ready to take on a Yoga Teacher Training (which is running Spring 2021)

This Foundation Course offers you the opportunity to gain a solid understanding in yoga asana, gain confidence in your practice and giving you the skills to develop your practice, where the real gift of yoga begins.

The teaching is structured so that you can easily integrated Yoga into your life, creating a sense of balance and understanding.  ‘This coming together in the deeper aspects of practice also give you the opportunity to  build friendships, enjoy the gift of shared experiences whilst supporting each other as we journey together.  Expect to make friends, learn in a supported environment and have some fun together.

Contact Hours

  • 30 Hours @ Yoga Trees Studio, Northampton
  • 4 x 7.5 hour Saturdays 10am till 5.30pm, Shared lunches

This is a registered course with Yoga Alliance and is certified to provide 30 CPD for Yoga Teachers

Dates – Saturday’s

  • 10th October 2020
  • 31st October 2020
  • 14th November 2020
  • 28th November 2020



Intended Learning

  • Practice a range of yoga asana that will refine and enhance your technique and self-practice
  • Delve into the ‘four’ directional sets of postures, understand their energetics, benefits and how to use them
  • Asana ‘breakdown’, taking a technical look at each asana group and physically and anatomically, providing greater insight into asana dynamics and your body
  • Build a self-practice just for you, using modifications, counterposes and begin a practice journal
  • Explore a range of breathing techniques, including inquiries into natural breathing and Full Yogic Breath
  • Experience the essence of mantra and find your inner voice
  • Introduction to Patanjali’s ‘Yoga Sutras Eight Limbs’
  • Familiarise yourself with the commonly used Sanskrit terms, leaving you with confidence and understanding

*      You will need a minimum of 6-12 months regular yoga practice Students should continue to practice regularly throughout the course with a minimum of 2 classes per month attended independently of the course

*      Additional costs will be incurred for course textbooks and yoga props

I am so excited about spending the Winter sharing the gift of yoga, snuggled up on our Mats in the warm and inviting space at Yoga Trees Studio, enjoying the benefits of a deeper practice

Places are limited on this Foundation Course to ensure individual attention and a deeply enhanced experience

Paying a deposit today will secure your place, if you do have any questions please email


“Yoga is a light which once lit, will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter the flame.”

~BKS Iyengar



Total £395    

Deposit £155  

Final payment £240 due 20th September 2020

**Please note the deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable


Here is what others have said about attending ‘Yoga Foundation Course’

‘I have gained the gift of MY yoga this foundation course has given me that.  Rosemary teaches with love, inner knowledge and dedication.  Every class is well structured, challenging and enjoyable.  Here instruction is clear, sound and precise and is always delivered with a friendly smile a delightful guide’

‘If you get chance to attend this course – Do it! Rosemary is a fabulous teacher, her depth of knowledge and care are second to none, plus with Rosemary’s style of yoga you feel alive, capable and full of possibilities as well as receiving a full body and mind workout. thank you for everything its been fab and so sorry its over’

‘Lovely to meet new people of all experiences. The shared lunch was a fabulous idea, both from the various foods people bought, but also the chance to just chat. You don’t normally get the chance to exchange notes as it were, even down to particular yoga equipment and dietary stuff’

My experience of this Foundation Course was truly enlightening, how you guided me so skilfully to my inner calm, teaching me to release my anxiety and find self love through the practice of yoga. Your knowledge and manner are your gift this course has been well worth every challenging moment and you have given me a TRUE understanding of Yoga and a strong foundation to build upon….. when’s level 2?



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