Yin & Somatics For Back Pain Relief With Rosemary Booker - Price £25

Friday 1st May 2020 from 7pm - 9pm

Do you have a niggling lower back pain that won’t go away?
Come along and be guided through gentle, easy exercises inspired by a SATYA Somatics practice and learn how to release & relax your back muscles. As you learn to sense and control the muscles you can release tension, increasing your mobility, flexibility and strength.

This back pain relief workshop is of special interest to anyone who experiences back pain but equally, you don’t need to suffer back pain to benefit from this Somatic Workshop. This workshop will help to soothe tight muscles, relieve stress and improve body-mind awareness. Leave the session with less pain and physical tension, feeling relaxed and balanced in your body and mind.

This two hour workshop led by Rosemary Booker one of the UK’s first SATYA somatics qualified teacher and experienced Y-CEP 500 hour Yoga teacher trainer. She is passionate about sharing Somatic embodied practices that improve mobility, stability and function while also helping to relieve stress so we can all experience life more fully.
No experience is necessary and all are welcome.


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