Yin, Nidra & Singing Bowl Relaxation With Kanti Freeman Price £25

Friday 8th November 2019 from 10.30am - 12.30pm


Join Kanti for a session of deep stretching & relaxation through Yin Yoga, Nidra + Sound Therapy

This will be a completely nourishing session that will leave feeling grounded & altogether more spacious in your body & mind.

In this 2 hour workshop, Kanti will guide you through a gentle yet deep Yin Yoga Practice to stimulate & balance chi (energy) flow through specific meridians (energy lines) & to create more space in your joints by stretching ligaments and tendons. You will learn a little about meridians relevant to the practice & some of the benefits of healthy chi flow in these organs. You will be taken on a guided tour of your Meridians through Meridian Nidra (deep relaxation) which will enhance your awareness of the subtle energy body. The session will end with Shavasana (relaxation) accompanied by live Singing Bowls to soothe away any remaining tension or tightness.


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