Full Primary Ashtanga Series with Jumps Focus With Ness Sherry Price £25

Sunday 3rd November 2019 from 2pm - 4pm

Do you land with a heavy thud when jumping forward in a vinyasa or do you fear crushing your toes when you jump back?

How do you even begin to jump through effortlessly to seated?

Within a led Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary series class we look at the work required to connect to these elusive maneuvers.

 We will look at how to connect to the fundamental aspects of Ashtanga, to breath, bandha and drishti , to achieve the floating qualities held within the vinyasa.

You will leave feeling clear about where your personal work is in achieving the strength,  and softness required to float and fly which will also support your future arm balances and will assist inversion practise too.


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