Ashtanga Two Hour Primary Series Practice With Ness Sherry - Sorry this session has been cancelled

Saturday 28th March 2020 from 10am - 12pm
Join Ness for her monthly Primary Series Practice at yoga tree studios.
Ashtanga is the synchronised movement of classical yoga postures along the tread of the breath. The movement or (vinyasa) is counted, which gives the mind a focus. The whole practice becomes a moving meditation, a complete synchronicity and union of mind, body and breath, intertwined within it are the 8 limbs of Pantajali’s Yoga Sutras. It is a traditional practice that ultimately shifts our attention inwards and gives us a greater understanding of ourselves and encourages us to move forward with strength and ease.
Ness will guide you through the Primary Series, with a deep connection to breath, and bandha! She will encourage you to move beyond your perceived limitations and bring balance to both strength and flexibility. You will move through as much of the Primary Series as the group allows.  Modifications will be offered throughout the sequence.


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