Rosemary Booker - Guest Teacher

                                                                   I have been guiding students in the art of yoga and lifestyle now for over a decade. My practice is using the physical body with focused breath to open you to opportunities, to see more clearly, to give you strength and to connect you to your heart, your joy. You will find my classes inspirational, challenging and playful, we laugh, share and enjoy, make friends and find space to just enjoy being alive. I share these teachings in groups, 1:1, classes, courses, teacher mentoring programmes and retreats to amazing places.

Yoga training is never ending and I have spent many hours on the mat with over 1000 plus hours of Teacher Training. A Year spent in India – living and breathing this practice gives me a depth of experience to teach from. My teachings are inspired by the lineage of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, probably the most prolific Hatha Yogie in the last century, known for ‘Vinyasa’ the linking of the breath to movement and ‘Vini Yoga’ ‘Vinyasa Krama’ for healing and awakening. I am currently studying with Rod Stryker ‘Para Yoga’ which infuses the energy of yoga, how simply we can change our energy to bring greater clarity, insight, joy into our lives.

My passion is for YOU to thrive, to be all that you are and to be happy. Yoga is the vehicle for this success and I will show you how to drive it, bringing freedom to your life. The environment and settings that we work in together are friendly, open and secure so that you can explore, express and grow making this your practice and your vehicle of discovery.

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