I am Sound Therapist, Yoga Teacher & Reiki Practitioner, with 15 years experience running classes, workshops & retreats. I am passionate about helping you to experience your essential nature through Sound Baths & Yoga. It is my aim to inspire and support you, especially through those transitional times in life, which can feel overwhelming – but which ultimately can lead to transformation.
I have been attuned to Reiki energy since 1999 and it was the beginning of my own healing journey (along with Yoga) and I knew that inevitably I would be sharing/teaching others (even though it scared me silly at the time!). I completed my first Yoga TT in 2005 and my first Sound Healer training in 2006. I continue to upgrade my knowledge through additional ongoing trainings, including 200+ hours of Yin Yoga training which i now specialise in.
I love to create a warm, nurturing and supportive space – whether it’s for a group Sound Bath or Yoga Class as I believe that through the many stresses and strains of 21st century living we sometimes lose the connection to the essential self…..through the sessions I offer you can reconnect, remember and experience more peace, joy & stillness in your life.
On a personal note I love to travel, and I have a particular passion for the Himalaya & I have been to Nepal, Tibet & Bhutan several times and I can tell you there is nothing quite like being right on the ‘Rooftop of the World’ for gaining fresh perspective on your life. Being steeped in Buddhist and Hindu culture is also the place where I feel most at home and these experiences continue to inspire & inform my life and my work.