
Gentle Yoga Flow

If you are a complete beginner or a regular yoga student this is a lovely meditative class linking movement with breath. It’s easy on the wrists with attention placed on alignment, technique and how to enter and exit the asanas (postures) safely.









Creative Hatha 

Creative Hatha is so much more than just a physical class, in this session you will be guided into the deeper world of Yoga, its philosophy and techniques to support you in creating your very own personal practice.  As with traditional Hatha, this class brings together breath and movement but calls on students to investigate the integrity of their yoga postures though exploring alignment, actively engaging key muscles and tapping into body awareness. The primary goal of this class is to help you achieve internal focus by learning how to utilise the breath and muscle control as a way of attaining a more meditative state.

Slow Flow 

Whatever level yoga student you are this is a beautiful meditative class which links movement with breath. Special attention is placed on alignment, technique and how to enter and exit the asanas (postures) safely.

Yin & Yang 

This class is a combination of vinyasa and yin styles of practice. A blend of active and passive postures; the first portion of the class is a breath-centered vinyasa practice which includes standing postures, to integrate breath, movement, and awareness, aimed at slowing down the mind, body, and breath. Followed with the passive long holds of yin to target joints, connective tissues, and fascia. Yin poses are floor-based and supported with props to create as little effort while holding for 2-5 minutes. This style of practice is designed to take you from frazzled to flat out in 75 minutes and we all need a little of that in our lives.

Gentle Flow & Yin Yoga 

Come and indulge in this deeply relaxing class, give yourself permission to press the pause button for 75 minutes and let the stresses of everyday life just melt away. Practicing stillness & gentle movement for extended periods of time with the use of props to assist you’ll soon find yourself drifting off to a meditative state.

Wake Up & Flow 

Wake up the body and mind for the day ahead as you flow from posture to posture using the breath as your guide. You’ll leave the class with a calm mind feeling energised for the day ahead. A truly perfect way to start your day!! During the summer months, weather permitting this class is held on the terrace.

Dynamic Flow 

This energetic class is designed to improve stamina, strength, balance, and flexibility. Combining pranayama techniques, long thorough warm-ups, static postures focusing on alignment and creative standing sequences that are intelligently weaved together, each class concludes with seated and lying sequences, ending in savasana (corpse pose) to promote a great sense of relaxation in the mind and body. The atmosphere created is both joyful and meditative.

Intro To Pilates 

 This class focuses on the fundamentals Alignment, Breath & Centering so is perfect if you are new to Pilates or  maybe in the past you had a regular Pilates routine but have been out of action for a while. The class will begin with a simple preparation phase (warm up) then in the main section I will teach some of Joseph’s set exercises with progressions to strengthen and mobilise the core, the class will finish with a gentle yoga stretch.

Warm Flow 


The room is heated to a cosy 28-32 degrees and begins with pranayama (breathing practice) followed by mobilisation before moving on to flowing standing, lying and floor sequences to help build strength, balance and flexibility.  Please remember you will need to bring a yoga towel or beach towel with you to this session and a water bottle. Towels are available to buy or hire from the studio.

Simply Hot 

The studio is heated to 30-34 degrees using the healing therapeutic heat from infrared heaters. In this class inspired by Bikram and the Absolute series, you will be guided through a simple sequence of standing and floor postures. Please remember you will need to bring a yoga towel or a beach towel with you to this session and a water bottle. Towels are available to buy or hire from the studio. This class is suitable for all including active beginners.

Dynamic Warm Flow


In this energetic class which is designed to improve stamina, strength, balance and flexibility the studio is heated to 28-32 degrees using the therapeutic heat from our far infrared heaters. Combining pranayama techniques, long thorough warm-ups, static postures focusing on alignment and creative standing sequences that are intelligently weaved together, each class concludes with seated and lying sequences, ending in savasana (corpse pose) to promote a great sense of relaxation in the mind and body. The atmosphere created is both joyful and meditative. Please remember you will need to bring a beach towel or a yoga towel with you to this session and a water bottle. Towels are available to buy or hire from the studio.

Warm Pilates 

The room is heated to a cosy 28-32 degrees using the therapeutic heat from our far infrared heating panels. This class focuses on stabilising and strengthening the core with the added bonus of the healing heat that warms the muscles and speeds up the process of producing sweat, by gently raising the body temperature. Doing Pilates in the heat helps boost your metabolism and adds a cardio aspect to the workout. In the heat your heart rate increases much like going for a jog but without the impact on your joints. This 60 minute class will always follow the key principals of Pilates and therefore is safe for the beginner to the more intermediate student. Expect to sweat, so bring a towel for your mat, the sweating is also great for your skin and increasing circulation.

 Men’s Warm Yoga Stretch 

This men only flexibility class focuses on developing range of mobility and lengthening tight and short muscles. This class is perfect if you play sport to complement your training routine or if your job involves sitting for hours in a car or at a desk. The room is heated to 25 degrees using the therapeutic heat from our far-infrared heating panels which encourages tense and stressed muscles to relax. Please remember you will need to bring a beach towel or a yoga towel with you to this session and a water bottle.

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